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PURE ALANIS RING LIST SITES - List the sites which are part of the pure alanis web ring For the web site owners: [ Submit Your Site ] [ View The Queue ] [ Edit Site Info ] A web ring is a link of sites related to the same topic, in this case it is sites related to Alanis Morissette. As somebody who browses web pages looking for information and news a web ring can be an easy way to find the best and latest stuff on Alanis very quickly. For a web site owner you get your site another place to be found by people who are going to be looking for what you have on your site so it is a win win situation with a web ring. Why join the pure Alanis ring when there are lots of other Alanis rings? because assuming you have followed all the guidelines correctly your site will be added to pure Alanis within 24 hours , so you won't have to pester a current member to add you, it will he done quickly (no waiting). and also it's another excellent free way for you get get more hits and to share what you know with others. Feel free to submit your site now, all you have to do is fill in the form then add the code below to your site. If your site is on the ring or in the cue to be added, Copy the below code into your home page and replace "--id--" with your ring id number which you will be giving once you submit your site to the cue.. IT SHOULD LOOK LIKE THIS:ON YOUR SITE: ![]() THE PURE ALANIS RING - [ Previous 5 Sites | Previous | Next | Next 5 Sites | Random Site | List Sites ] |